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Workshop "Carbon sequestration of disturbed and managed forest ecosystems" in Lithuania, 21-25 October 2013
Dear Colleagues,
The EFINORD-SNS network Natural Disturbance Dynamics Analysis for Forest Ecosystem Management (FORDISMAN) organises its annual meeting in Lithuania in week 43, on 21-25 October 2013. The meeting venue is Miskiniskes country farmstead in Auksaitija National Park.
As FORDISMAN arranges its activities in conjunction with the PRIFOR network, participants from both networks are warmly welcomed to attend the meeting. More information will be published soon on this website.
The workshop consists of a full three-day program 22-24 October 2013 including oral presentations and field excursions. Participants arrive in the afternoon or early evening of 21 October and departure is scheduled for 25 October in the morning.
- 21 October - arrival and registration
- 22 October - plenary sessions
- 23 October - plenary sessions, field excursion
- 24 October - field excursions
- 25 October - departure