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Adaptation of trees and stands to forest disturbances: management considerations

IX international meeting of SNS network Natural Disturbance Dynamics Analysis for Forest Ecosystem Management 18 - 21 October 2010, Riga, Latvia.

Latvian Forest Research Institute "SILAVA" and Institute of Forestry and Rural Engineering of Estonian University of Life Sciences are jointly organizing a IX international workshop of SNS network Natural Disturbance Dynamics Analysis for Forest Ecosystem Management.

The workshop will include a group of people who jointly will cover a wide range of knowledge and experience related to the workshop topic. Hope your expertise can contribute to cover some of the workshop topics and objectives.

We encourage you to notify us on your interest in joining our workshop and in case you are - to submit an abstract (approximately 250 words) of a 15 min. presentation for the workshop as soon as it is possible for you. Please include your name and co-authors, title, affiliation, postal address, e-mail, and phone.

We invite oral and poster presentations in subtopics that are following the newest information in:

    Studying the effect of abiotic and biotic forest disturbing factors that are expected to change with changing environment;
    Improvements in research and study methodology in regards to cope with the disturbance adaptation phenomena;
    Implementation of disturbance management methods into sustainable forest ecosystem management planning to cope with changing environment.

The reviews and case studies can be included. We try to publish papers in a special issue of peer- reviewed journal based on the topics considered on the meeting.

This year the meeting is supported by the SNS that has made it possible to organize our workshop in Riga.

The workshop-program is a full two-day program 18-21 October 2010 including oral and poster presentations, discussion session and field excursions. Participants are invited to arrive on 18 October at Riga. Departure from Riga will be on 21 October in the morning.

18 October - arrival and registration

19 October - plenary sessions and poster session

20 October - field excursion

21 October - departure